Arab legislator may cooperate with Netanyahu’s government
Back in the opposition, Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas says that the most important thing right now is to seek solutions for the miseries of the Israeli Arab public.
BAQA AL-GHARBIYYE, Israel — Ra’am party head Mansour Abbas attacked the leaders of rival Arab party Hadash-Ta'al, claiming they only seek to offer a "good show" from the Knesset podium. Abbas argued that Hadash-Ta'al leader Ayman Odeh and lawmaker Ahmad Tibi were responsible for the collapse of the former government, thus enabling returned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to win the Nov. 1 elections.
Abbas lashed out at his rivals, saying, "If they are not interested in joining the coalition and not functioning as a blocking bloc, at least they should be neutral and try to promote solutions to the hardships of Arab society."
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