Family of Palestinian activist appeals to ICC to probe death
One and a half years after his death, the family of Palestinian political and opposition activist Niza Banat filed the first complaint against the Palestinian Authority before the International Criminal Court, accusing the security services of killing Banat.
RAMALLAH, West Bank — More than a year after the killing of Palestinian political activist and government critic Nizar Banat while in the custody of Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces, the activist’s family has lodged the case at the International Criminal Court (ICC), in the first such move against another Palestinian party before the court.
Last week, Banat’s family filed a case with the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC in The Hague, through Hakan Camuz, head of the International Law Department at the Stoke White law firm in London, accusing the Palestinian security forces of being behind his killing on June 24, 2021.
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