How feasible is Raisi’s economic roadmap for Iran?
The ministry of finance's new set of economic goals and timelines outlines lofty ambitions but ignores the current limits that sanctions place on Iran's international trade.
Ehsan Khandoozi, Iran’s minister of finance and economic affairs, has outlined details of an “economic roadmap” to address the country’s economic ills. The goals and timeline had been published in June, but experts were waiting for detailed actions to be published. In the meantime, comments by the minister as well as an initial assessment of the plan reveal more about the feasibility of specific undertakings. There is no doubt that the economic performance of Ebrahim Raisi’s government will be the main benchmark for his success as president.
The roadmap itself lists timelined measures under seven headings — GDP growth and export promotion, reduction of household expenses, growth of household income, reforming the state budget, financial sector reforms, tax reforms and increased transparency.
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