New evidence emerges of looting of King Tut's tomb in Egypt
While Egypt celebrates the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb, new evidence emerged that the discoverer, Howard Carter, stole objects from it.
This November, Egypt will mark the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of the intact, well-preserved tomb of King Tutankhamun — who ruled from 1333 BC until his death in 1323 BC — by British Egyptologist Howard Carter in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, upon finance from Lord Carnarvon.
The Guardian astonished its Egyptomania readers when it published an article on Aug. 13 about a new accusation that Carter handled property “undoubtedly stolen from the tomb” in an unprinted letter sent to him in 1934 by a member of his own excavation team, Alan Gardiner.
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