Pro-Palestinian activists in Jordan face arrest, harassment by authorities
Human Rights Watch documented the arrest of several people who took part in pro-Palestinian protests in Jordan and condemned the use of a controversial cybercrime law.
Hundreds of Jordanians who took part in pro-Palestinian protests in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war are believed to have been arrested, with many charged under a controversial cybercrime law, a new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) said.
In the report published on Monday, authorities in Jordan are said to be behind a wave of arrests and harassment against several activists who have been protesting in Jordan in solidarity with the Palestinians.
Jordanian lawyers representing detainees told HRW that hundreds were likely detained for their involvement in the protests or for engaging in online advocacy.
The lawyers said that in several cases, some activists who were ordered released were kept in custody under abusive administrative detention procedures. Authorities also threatened some of them with a 50,000 Jordanian dinar ($70,500) fine if they did not sign a pledge not to take part in or refrain from calling for protests, according to the lawyers.
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